Thursday, March 19, 2015



  那是因為結婚是個大學問。婚前可以愛個你死我活地,可是婚後卻因為現實生活中的種種,讓我們把當初為甚麼要結婚的感動以及感覺給忘了。 結婚前,為了尋找愛巢,你我不分彼此的願意為“它”付出,甚至願意讓它給綁個二、三十年。一起生活的材米油鹽,也是一筆可觀的數目。到了後期有了小孩,天知道小孩的出生一直到他長大成人的教育費,那可是一個很客觀的數據。一輩子所賺取的就只為了這一切。如果說事前都沒有這些預算,那婚後豈不是天天因為這個問題而吵呢?

  為甚麼而吵呢? 原因只有一個,就是金錢的責任。請問你有足夠的 能力扛起家裡的一切開銷嗎?雙薪家庭的母親因為要扛起部分的生計,很多時候放工回到家,還得照顧家裡的小孩 的起居飲食,以及學業。她們辛苦的付出,這是讓我最佩服他們的地方。而身為她們的另一半,有多少是知道她們的辛苦、能夠體恤她們呢?



Saturday, January 1, 2011






关于我清口的事,你虽然说那是我的事,我可以感觉得到你很生气, 因为你觉得我很多时候在做决定时都没跟你商量而就自己做了决定。就这件是我以为我很早之前就表明了我的立场,你会了解。对不起,没想到你会这么生气。也许你会觉得吃素很麻烦,因为吃东西必须找素食店, 很多东西都不能吃。我这一辈子都会吃素,所以你得好好的想想,你是否可以和这样的我过一辈子。我真得很怕你有一天会抱怨我吃素,也不喜欢我去佛堂。老实说,这会是我们继续往下走的一个考验,我有必要要先告诉你。我希望在我们继续走下去的时候,有些话必须讲地很清楚。




Saturday, January 3, 2009


一月一号,我回到KL的家。回来是因为知道我妹妹他们都在这里,所以就来这里帮他们庆生。怎知我的妹妹告诉我,当他们知道我要来的时候都很高兴。不过当他们看到他送我回来的时候, 觉得很难过,他们宁愿我不会来还好。我听了这番话之后,难过得要命。

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My feeling -Moving to Penang

I was surprised when i got the offered from Citi Group, Penang. Cos i never thought that i might working at penang in 1 day. I was struggle to make the decision that joining citi group. 2moro i'll going to Penang.

Before leaving i do have a lot of feeling like happy and sad. Happy cos i can stay with my best friez, Iling and meet my friezs especially my ex roomate at penang. SAD cos i have to leave KL, my family members and him.

This is a good opportunity for me to have a try at Citi Group cos they do offer me wat i really interested and the benefits are not bad too. I wish to try something like trading and i got this chance now. This caused me make the decision to go to penang. I had made a very selfish decision that leave him at KL and im going to penang. I am very sad with this decision but i got no choice. Luckily he is understanding me very well and support for it even he is "terpaksa". It make me very touching cos he is supporting me to do watever i wan.

I have to start a long distance relationship with him. This is my own decision even though he is not really agree for it. Im feel sorry to him cos he have to support in the condition tat not really agree. I'll maintain this relationship by work more hard to this relationship. Cos i noe tat it is not easy to maintain a long distance relationship. I'll let it be....

Poor him cos have a gf like me, who always create problem to him. Hahaha....

I wish that everything can be smooth and i can settle down at Penang ASAP.

Friday, October 3, 2008

To Him-Fred

Choosing him as my bf, i think he might get suffer. Cos im always asking him a lot of funny and weird of questions like y he wanna do this .....and tat.... He said he have to stand by in case i'll asking a lot of questions. Am i a problem gal? Am i a notti gal? Hahaha...answer is yes....

I wanna said sorry to him, cos of my family i think he might get hurt sometimes. Cos of wat my family members did said about him. Please forgive whatever they did said, cos they are too love me and they were not meant to hurt him. They are always concerned about me cos they scare that i might get hurt or pain. I wish that he can understand my situation as well.

Finally i had made my own decision to working at Penang. Is it a tough decision cos i have to work at a city that far away from him. This is wat he not really agree for. But after i told him my mind, he has to agree at last. Thank you very much for your support cos it is meant for me. It can be the power for me to build up my career.

I wanna let him know that my heart is always wit him no matter where i am. That is true tat i Love him. He is not lonely even i am not with him all the time. I noe he dislike to has a long distance relationship but now our relationship has turn to that. Dear, sorry for my selfish. I noe it will caused u feel like unsecure, but i still wanna to have a try for it. U noe, it just like gambling, and i might be the winner or loser for this game. But I want to become a winner and not loser that wat i did tol myself.

I'm praying hard to the God, asking him to blessing my relationship and everything.

Monday, April 21, 2008


最近的心情都不是很好. 因为最近所承受的压力蛮大. 家人的不谅解以及他那不轻易敞开心胸无形中使我感到难过. 家人的不谅解我可理解, 因为他们都是出自对我的保护. 这一刻, 我才发现原来我是受保护的"动物".

我发现, 对他的认识不是很足够, 我相信他对我的认识也一样. 原来他跟其他的天秤座的人一样, 那就是不容易对别人打开他的心胸. 要走进他的心门可真难,办我没有自信会做得到. 我一直都很想知道他为什么到现在还是单身, 不过他却透露还不是时候告诉我. 什么时才是对的时机?我能够等到那个时候吗? 朋友问过我许多有关他的问题如:how come stil single? izzit tat he got any "bad" habit tat u don know??i'll c tat now he got a good carrier o not, got house ady, got car ady??if he got all of these, then i can say tat mayb he's too bz wit his courrier, till he got no time for him to find a partner.. o mayb he's too shy till only concentrate at his work... but if he don hv all of these, then wat hv tis guy done in past few yrs??

以上的种种都是我的好友以及家人曾问过我的问题. 它们让我开始觉得自己很天真. 他也时常说我的想法太天真. 我一直以为感觉对了就可以开始一段感情,对他的一切都一知半解. 渐渐地发现, 这想法太天真了.我万万都没有想到它竟然会把我的家人牵扯进来, 而并不是单纯的只有我们. 我开始害怕了, 因为对与我们的关系, 我缺乏安全感.

我对自己承诺给彼此半年的时间,如果半年后我还是没想到办法走进他的世界, 那时候我会心甘情愿地放手.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


我并不想对你有任何的隐瞒, 那就是我的家人不是很看好我们的关系. 因为对他们而言, 你是一个陌生人. 他们对你并不了解, 也不曾跟你接触过. 我很想问你, 这么的一个挑战你愿意去接受吗? 虽然我们的关系还没到那种阶段, 不过我想让你有一个心理准备, 将来会面对的问题. 这一刻, 你还有反悔的机会, 你会那么做吗?

我希望我们彼此都能够坦白一点, 不要有所隐瞒. 可否请你老实地告诉我你的忧虑呢? 每一次你都会叫我放轻松点, 一切顺起自然. 你总会说我想太多了, 要我不要太过忧虑. 难道你真的都没有为那写时而担忧吗? 你从来都不曾跟我说过你的担忧. 我想告诉你, 我希望我们的能够分享彼此的一切, 你能够做到吗? 我希望拥有一段真诚的感情.......

曾经有人问过我, 我择偶的条件是什么? 我告诉他说:"我希望我能够找一个能够扮演三种角色的男生. 他得扮演哥哥, 男朋友以及爸爸的角色". 哈哈...我知道我很自私, 因为我你得扮演这么多的角色. 我并没有哥哥, 所以从来都没享受过被哥哥疼爱的那种感觉. 因为太久没谈恋爱了, 所以我很渴望被爱的感觉. 老爸的角色是在我需要开导的时侯才要扮演的.

About Me

A gal who look like Korean, seems like very cool but actually is a very a book, need to read it.....